Thursday, December 19, 2013

Neck Knives

I started making these neck knives years ago, hafting small blades into deer leg phalanges.  There are four of these bones in one deer leg, and have been used for a number of purposes - fishhooks, whistles, rattles. These have been popular at rendezvous because of their unique blend of bone and stone.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Small Jasper Dagger

A couple of small 6 1/2 inch jasper bladed knives.  It is interesting that in the past half dozen years there has been a lot of imported jasper arrowheads from India showing up at the rendezvous.  They are a little blocky in the cross section, but knapped out of some nice material.  So, I decided to rework some into blades and haft them into deer  leg bone handles.  This will look good in neck sheath.