Thursday, October 23, 2008


Earlier this month I attended the Nebraska Mineral & Gem Show and met a vendor who was eager to unload some mahogany obsidian slabs. This is the first knife, from those slabs, next to a cleaned slab. They are laying on a couple sawn slabs. Knappers will use sawn slabs to conserve good stone. The knife is 10-inches long, in a elk antler handle, wrapped with sinew.
This blade has already tasted blood...cut my finger handling it...>ouch<.


  1. Very nice! Ready for the movie "Nehawka: First Blood"...


  2. i really like your work. Have you ever shown any of it to school kids in Malvern IA ?

  3. Thanx for the compliments. I've enjoyed your trip post mungo, and again, congrats on the upcoming mini-mungo. I've never been to Malvern, it's only a little over an hour from me. If they have had a flintknapper/archaeologist there...I know there is a group associated with the earth lodge in Glenwood.

  4. Hey Mark, you should check out bushcraft usa. I think you might like it.
