One man's trash, is another man's treasure...or something like that. I got the urge to start cleaning out the Paleolithic Shop of Horrors...my shed where I stash my projects & possibilities. It has gotten away from me in the past year or so that I could not even get in it. Well, I started sorting...and shoveling it out. A friend of mine said years ago, "You can't do something, if you don't have something to do it with." Boy, I must have taken that to heart. Making the first dent I've found buffalo ribs, deer jaws and leg bones for making knife handles, needles, awls, and bone flakers. I was saving spalls of soapstone to make more fat lamps and bowls for processing pitch and asphaltum. Stalks of yucca, mullein, and cottonwood are tucked away for friction fire sets. Chunks of rotted wood and chaga fungus make great coal extenders. Some of the dried rivercane shafts are made into atlatl darts. Half made points, flakes, scrapers, and cores of obsidian, nehawka, keokuk, novaculite, and English flint liter the wooden floor. Deer hides, buckets of dried clay, elk rawhide, sinew, pine pitch are heaped in piles and buried in boxes and buckets. I've got the stuff, now all I need...is time.
I am glad I am not the only one with "stuff". I define stuff as valuable treasure. my wifes definition is "useless clutter". She can be very cold at times......
Lol Norseman...I can appreciate what you're saying. Fortunately, my wife has come to accept, not necessarily like, my disposition for sticks and stones and bones.
Ha ha ha my whole house is like that. My problem is energy, not time. But it's too true that you have to have something. I've dug up things that I stashed twenty years ago that are of immediate use now.
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