I recognize people enjoy seeing videos of primitive skill technics. There are a number areas that I recognize that I may know the prescribed methods to produce certain technics, but like most I have utilized modern tools to do to speed up the process, and have not done them primitively. I need to practice primitive, so I can teach/demonstrate primitive.
1. Drill shaft holes, for foreshafts, on spears and darts using stone, bone, or antler drills. Further
research how this could be done with Stone Age tools. Post results.
2. Make and post videos of technics:
a. Corn cob bow drill fire making
b. Antler axe use
c. Bow drill fire making
d. Drilling foreshaft holes
3. Make and use antler axes/adze.
4. Drill handle hole in antler axe using stone or wood drills.
5. Compare bone drilling/shaping using dry and soaking bone
6. Experiment and form levallois core and blades.
7. Research and practice notch forming on spear and handle shafts, using Stone Age tools.
8. Use fire to debark, round handle, and form wedge on diggings sticks. Compare to Neanderthal technics.
9. Practice ‘new’ indirect percussion technic for blades and thinning.
10. Rudger roll technic.
11. Neanderthal birch bark pitch ‘handle’ on scraping flake.
12. Rattan fire thong technic.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Friday, December 14, 2018
Making Notches With Stone Tools
Among my projects, I have been looking at making notches, for stone points, using only stone tools. This aspect sometimes get glossed over discussing hafting technics. There are a number of technics I have come across. These photos are by Tom Mills (aka Paleo Aleo, on Paleo Planet). In sequence, a stone drill is used to make a hole, from both sides. A stone flake cuts a groove from the hole to the end of the shaft. The notch plug is then cut or knocked out of the shaft with an antler punch, not pictured. The notch is then cleaned up with a sharp flake. Just thinking, an antler wedge could be used to help split and remove the notch plug. I came across some information in the Society of Primitive Technology bulletin that carving the base of the notch to a sharp “V”, is superior to leaving the base flat and rough. On impact, flat rough bases tend to blow off the side of the notch. A V-shaped base tends to split the shaft, but wrapping the shaft with sinew strengthens that.
Monday, December 10, 2018
Friday, December 7, 2018
2019 Bois d’ Arc Primitive Skill Gathering & Knap In
Thursday, December 6, 2018
The act of creating a notch, to attach a stone point, kind of gets glossed over when discussing Stone Age hafting technics. There are a number of methods involving sawing, drilling, wedging, and splitting. One used prehistorically for atlatl dart foreshafts and spears, was perhaps first described by archaeologist C.B. Cosgrove in 1947. The tale tell splintered condition at the bottom of the notch, score marks, and shaft splits, led to the discovery of how it was made. The shaft is notched on opposite sides, rotated 1/4 turn, and two more notches are cut farther down the shaft. Splits are started by bending the end of the shaft back and forth. Then the split section is carefully, and forcefully, bent and broken from the shaft - leaving a notch. This can be cleaned up with a stone flake. This is actually a fairly easy technic. The original Cosgrove drawing of this technic was published in, “Caves of the Upper Gila and Hueco Areas in New Mexico and Texas.” This same technic was noted in the artifacts studied in “Stone Age Spear and Arrow Points of California and the Great Basin”, by Noel D. Justice. If you have any methods, using stone age tools, I’d like to see them.
Neanderthal & Maganese Dioxide
I used to say I hoped to grow up to be a caveman, in that vein: There was a paper published, in 2016, in Scientific Reports, by Dr. Peter J. Heyes. I’m not sure how I stumbled upon it a week ago. Archaeologists excavating Neandrathal sites, in the Dordogne region of SW France, catalogued hundreds of curious manganese dioxide blocks. Originally, they were thought to be used as black mineral pigment. But, researchers recognized the availability of charcoal and soot were so much more accessible, and looked to other reasons for the quantity of blocks at the Neandrathal sites. Some stones showed abrasion marks, and a grinding stone was found at a location. Researchers found and tested manganese dioxide from the region, and some of the cave blocks, and speculated they might have been used to facilitate fire making. They are not sure how they produced fire, but reason it may have been from striking stones together (marcaste & flint?). To facilitate fire making, they found manganese dioxide powder, mixed with wood shavings, acted as a catalyst and lowered the ignition point of the shavings 100 degrees C./180 degrees F., and promoted charring. You can read the article at : www.nature.com/articles/srep22159. I tried igniting yucca shavings found on damp ground, and shavings rubbed with manganese dioxide. I found that the rubbed shavings did ignite and char more sustainably. There was a difference. (It would have to be added to a tinder nest and blown to flame.). What does this mean? 1. Neanderthals were more cognitively advanced than thought. 2. As a primitive skills enthusiast - maybe not as much, though dry cell batteries, dis-assembled with a screw driver, yield an amount of manganese dioxide, there are other options available. (Pictured: manganese dioxide ore/powder/ yucca shavings; blocks from site; YouTube beech shavings, with m.d., smoldering.)
Neanderthal Digging Sticks
Digging sticks were a common tool of the hunter gatherer, used to harvest roots & tubers. In 2012, archaeologists excavated 39 pieces of digging sticks dated to around 170,000 years old. Neanderthals peopled this site in Tuscany, southern Italy, called Poggett Vecchi. Made of tough boxwood, the staves showed signs of burnt film, and cut & scratch marks. Scientists recognized the use of fire as a tool to scorch the bark, so that it could be more easily scraped off with stone tools. One end was charred and rounded for a handle, the other abraded into blunt point. Experiments to remove bark, round the handle, and abrade the tip proved difficult, with stone tools, on the uncharted fine grained hardwood. In an effort to understand this woodworking technic, I worked two staves of dried burr oak I had on hand. One I worked solely with stone tools. Their other, I utilized fire to char the bark and ends, for finishing with stone tools. What did I learn? (Forth coming) (Pictures from online)
Fire Hardening Wood
Pictured is a fire hardened spear point, dated at over 400,000 years old, discovered in 1911 in England. It is the oldest known worked wooden implement, known as the Clacton spear. Everything I have ever read about making wooden spears involves hardening the point in the super heated soil, or coals of a fire. I thought this was interesting... a team of British researchers conducted tests in 2016 on the effects of fire hardening on wooden spearpoints. After treating, and subjecting wooden shafts to impact, they concluded that fire treating did ‘slightly’ harden the point, but also ‘significantly’ weakened it by making it 35% more brittle. They surmised that the appearance of purposeful fire hardening, may more so have been the byproduct of charring the tip, so that it could be more easily shaved or abraded into a sharp point. It was more about reducing the time and labor to produce a sharp point on a wooden shaft. As a side bar, flintknapper Jack Cresson, in the Bulletin of Primitive Tecnology, conducted experiments with hardwood pressure flakers, fire hardening some for flintknapping stone points. He concluded that the fire treatment did nothing to increase the efficiency of the pressure flaker flintknapping. As a thought, perhaps burnishing (polishing by rubbing with a bone) the point, compressing the wood fibers, after forming the point might be more efficient. Any thoughts?
Birch Bark Adhsive II
I have processed the oil from birch bark, but saw you could purchase it online. I thought I would try it and make some hard birch tar for hafting. It took several hours simmering it, evaporating the volatile ingredients. I added finely powdered charcoal and it cooled to a hard consistency, some brittleness, but not as much as pine pitch. It is a smelly process that permeates your hair and clothes and irritates your wife. Now I need to haft a point and assess the strength.
Birch Bark Adhesive
I was playing with fire this week trying to replicate a prehistoric adhesive. There was an article last year that Neanderthals were attributed with making the first glue, as far back as 200,000 years ago, from birch bark. Archaeologists assumed it was too complicated for primitive man to make without ceramics, but found several other methods that proved its feasibility. Birch tar was found hafting Neanderthal spears. The first method involved burying rolled bundles of birch bark in ash, and then covering with embers. Tar was scraped off the bark rolls. The second technic involved putting embers directly on the rolled bark, suspended over a pit to collect the oil. In the third, a container is placed in a pit, covered with birch bark, then dirt. A fire is built on top of it. All produced amounts of birch bark oil for the scientists. I tried variations of the above, and was unsuccessful, only consuming the bark. My fires were too hot, too long I think. With my last amount of birch bark I relied on the conventional way and put the rolled bark in a sealed canister with a hole in the bottom. A fire was built around and a small amount of oil dripped thru the hole into a can below it, buried in a small hole. I did manage to produce a small amount of birch oil. This then required a few hours, over low heat evaporating the volatile oils, to make the sticky tar adhesive. I need to work on this more, but it was a valuable learning experience. I had purchased some birch tar on Etsy to have an example to aim for. I have a book from 1961, ironically showing rolls of birch bark dripping tar while spears were being hafted with it. Doesn’t quite work like that. But, it is probably the best adhesive/filler I’ve worked with...super tacky, like sticking your fingers in epoxy. Unfortunately, birch trees are more ornamental in Nebraska than farther north.
Neanderthal Fire Making
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Beaver Creek II 2002
These are some random photos from the 2002 Beaver Creek Knap In & Primitive Skills gathering, hosted by Rick Hamilton, near Stuart Nebraska.in attendance were Bob Patten, professional knapper and author; Steve Holen, of the Denver Museum of Natural History,; Chris Chitwood, of Wyoming; Scott Ritchert, of Nebraska; Carl Elfgren, archaeologist; Dave Nixon, geologist and knapper; Jack and Jane Webster, and others.
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Needed a container to store dried hide glue in, for my primitive tool kit. I selected a pithy stem of a Jerusalem artichoke, and hollowed it out. Sealing the butt end with a plug and pitch, I wrapped the open end with sinew, to keep it from splitting when the stopper was wedged in. The tube also made a good core to wrap and store rawhide cordage. Now, need to make a few more for mineral pigments.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Knife River Flint
When early man crossed the landscape he sought out quality stone
to make tools. Stone was needed to form
chopping edges, bits for boring holes in wood and bone, scrapers for cleaning
hides, and sharp and pointed edges for cutting and piercing. Located near Dunn Center, North Dakota, is a
prehistoric quarry of dark brown rock.
Knife River Flint has been used for thousands of years. Clovis points have been unearthed dating back
10,000 years. Artifacts of Knife River
Flint have been found from Montana to New York, Canada to New Mexico. Pictured is a projectile point and several
spalls of Knife River Flint.
Novaculite Neck Knife/Sheath
I’ve been putting together some knives and made this 6-inch white/black
novaculite knife, and buckskin neck sheath.
Novaculite comes in a variety of colors but I especially like the black
and black/white combination. This unique
rock is only found in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas and Oklahoma. Native Americans used this resource to make
tools to chop, drill, scrape, and cut for every day survival. Later, settlers in the area used novaculite
for whetstones.
Friday, March 9, 2018
Monday, March 5, 2018
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Edible Insects Class @Bois D' Arc
I attended the Bois D' Arc Primitive Skills Camp & Knap In, in Missouri, in 2017. One of the reasons I attended was to participate in the Edible Insects class, conducted by Bo Brown. We gathered in the early morning, and set out walking the perimeter of a open field looking for bugs. We managed to find grasshoppers, crickets, grubs, and some wolf and orb spiders. We even opened some mud dabber nests to harvest the larvae. I've eaten bugs before but I still have some mental blocks eating insects, that require making a "shift". Bo Brown preached that all life is precious, and encouraged us to give thanks for their sacrifice that we might learn and be nourished. We took the wings and lower hooked legs off the grasshoppers, and cooked the insects to kill any parasites. I watched one young participant, Celeste, tentatively eat a wolf spider, and then go on to clean up any left overs. Eating insects is all a state of mind. I thought it was interesting that the United Nations released a paper years ago stating that using insects as a protein source would become a necessity to feed growing populations. Insects are highly nutritious in protein and vitamins compared equally to beef. Many native populations relied on the seasonal crops of insects to supplement their food sources. This summer I look forward to the influx of June bugs, a staple of some of Plains Indians.
Bois D' Arc Primitive Skills Camp & Knap In
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