Primitive skills has intrigued me for decades...the fashioning of stone into cutting, chopping, scraping, and drilling implements. Twining fibers from the leaves and inner bark of plants forms cords and lines for fishing,
hafting, and binding. Twirling wood upon wood grinds off heated particles of smoldering dust that is blown into flame. There is so much to learn and do. One area I feel drawn to is further learning the nature and uses of plants, particularly in the medicinal aspects. Having endured some minor illnesses I recognize how vulnerable we are without modern
pharmaceuticals. This will be a new area of study this spring. (Pictured below are several small flint, chert, and obsidian knives I made this past week.)
No doubt about it, they are nice looking knives.
Le Loup.
Thanx Le Loup
lol I guess disregard my last comment because your next posting answers it showing Obsidian.
Really nice work, nice to see some of the primitive roots!
hey mark, just found your blog, great stuff- as a primitive skills activist myself, it's nice to find something like this, keep it up, cheers, ~rico
I'm glad to hear that you have found something to do this season! This will be a new area of study this spring. Utilize this free online proofreading services for more creative ideas!
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